


Drevon, J. (2024) From Jihad to Politics: How Syrian Jihadis Embraced Politics. Oxford University Press pdf 

Drevon, J. (2022). Institutionalizing Violence: Strategies of Jihad in Egypt. Oxford University Press pdf 

Journal Articles

10. Drevon, J. & Haenni, P. (2024). The End of Jihadi Salafism? The Religious Governance of HTS, the Post-Jihadi Rebel Ruler in Northern Syria Mediterranean Politics (forthcoming)

9. Drevon, J., (2024). Syrian Jihadis’ Reaction to the Gaza Conflict, Mediterranean Politics

8. Drevon, J., (2024). Can Jihadis’ Strategic Interests Trump their Ideology? Foreign Support and Insurgent Survival in Syria, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism pdf 

7. Drevon, J. & Haenni, P., (2022). Redefining Global Jihad and its Termination: The Subjugation of al-Qaeda by its Former Franchise in Syria, Studies in Conflict & Terrorism pdf 

6. Drevon, J.. (2022). Can (Salafi) Jihadi Insurgents Politicise and Become Pragmatic in Civil Wars? Social Movement Restraint in Ahrar al-Sham in Syria, Third World Thematics, 5 (3-6), 189-205 pdf 

5. Drevon, J. (2017). The Jihadi Social Movement: Between Factional Hegemonic Drive, National Realities, and Transnational Ambitions, Perspectives on Terrorism, 11 (6), 55-62 pdf 

4. Drevon, J. (2017). The Constrained Institutionalization of Diverging Islamist Strategies: The Jihadis, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Salafis between Two Aborted Egyptian Revolutions, Mediterranean Politics, 22(1), 16-34 pdf 

3. Drevon, J. (2016). Embracing Salafi Jihadism in Egypt and Mobilizing in the Syrian Jihad, Middle East Critique, 25(4), 321-339 pdf 

2. Drevon, J. (2015). The Emergence of Ex-Jihadi Political Parties in Post-Mubarak Egypt, The Middle East Journal, 69(4), 511-526 pdf 

1. Drevon, J. (2015). Assessing Islamist Armed Groups' De-Radicalization in Egypt, Peace Review. A Journal of Social Justice, 27(3), 296-303 pdf 

Book Chapters

6. Drevon, J. & Haenni, P. (2021). The Transformation of a Salafi Jihadi Group after 2011: From Jabhat al-Nusra to Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham, In: Blanc, T. & Roy, R., Salafism: Challenged by Radicalization? Violence, Politics, and the Advent of Post-Salafism, Middle East Directions, European University Institute, 69-74 pdf 

5. Drevon, J. (2021). Ahrar al-Sham’s Politicisation during the Syrian Conflict In: Bano, M. Salafi Social and Political Movements: National and Transnational Contexts, Edinburgh University Press, 222-246 pdf 

4. Drevon, J. (2020). The Challenge of Hybrid Actors’ Governance on Security Structures in MENA In: Conflicts, Pandemics, and Peacebuilding: New Perspectives on Security Sector Reform in the MENA Region, ISPI-DCAF, 29-43 pdf 

3. Drevon, J. (2018). The Reconfiguration of the Egyptian Islamist Social Movement Family after Two Political Transitions In: Rivetti, P. & Kraetzschmar, H., Islamists and the Politics of the Arab Uprisings: Governance, Pluralisation and Contention, Edinburgh University Press, 258-273 pdf 

2. Drevon, J. (2018). The Constrained Institutionalization of Diverging Islamist Strategies: The Jihadis, the Muslim Brotherhood, and the Salafis between Two Aborted Egyptian Revolutions In: Campana, A. & Jourde, C., Islamism and Social Movements in North Africa, the Sahel and Beyond: Transregional and Local Perspectives, Routledge [Reprint of Drevon, 2017]

1. Drevon, J. (2015). The Emergence and Construction of the Radical Salafi Milieu in Egypt In: Bosi, L., Ó Dochartaigh, N. & Pisoiu, D., Political Violence in Context: Time, Space and Milieu, ECPR Press, 215-235 pdf 

Research Reports

1. Drevon, J. & Haenni, P., How Global Jihad Relocalises and Where it Leads: The Case of HTS, the Former AQ Franchise in Syria, EUI Working Paper RSC 2021/08, Middle East Directions (MED), European University Institute pdf 

Non-Refereed Articles and Reports

11. Drevon, J. (2024) Mediating with proscribed armed groups: The imperative of innovation Still time to talk Adaptation and innovation in peace mediation, Conciliation Resources, (30),64-67

10. Drevon, J., & Herbert, I. (2021) Engaging Armed Groups at the International Committee of the Red Cross: Challenges, Opportunities and COVID-19. International Review of the Red Cross, 102 (915), 1021-1031

9. Drevon, J., & Herbert, I. (2021) Interview with Attaher Zacka Maïga, Networking Coordinator. International Review of the Red Cross, 102 (915), 981-989

8. Drevon, J., Haenni, P. & Quesnay, A., (2021) Des rebelles en deuil de révolution: la réorientation stratégique des opposition syriennes. Moyen-Orient (50), 44-49

7. Drevon, J.& Haenni, P., (2021) Repères islam politique: Idlib: le nouveau réalisme du salafisme syrien. Moyen-Orient (50), 50-53 

6. Drevon, J.& Haenni, P., (2020) The consolidation of a (post-jihadi) technocratic state-let in Idlib. POMEPS Studies 42: MENA’s Frozen Conflicts, 42-47

5. Drevon, J. (2019) Transnational Armed Salafi Networks: Emergence and Development, Orient: German Journal for Politics, Economics and Culture of the Middle East, I, 43-49

4. Kurabi, A & Drevon, J. (2018). Administering a Borderland at War: Baab al-Hawa in Syria, Accord Insight 4: Borderlands and Peacebuilding: A View from the Margins, Conciliation Resources, 42-47

3. Drevon, J. (2016). Salafi Jihadi Mobilization in Armed Conflicts: Situating Ideological and Political Rationales in Diverging Settings In: Youths and Radical Groups from the Perspective of Youths, The Arab Forum for Alternatives and Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, 135-148

2. Drevon, J. (2014). An Interview of Muhammad Omar Abd al-Rahman, Oxford Islamic Studies Online, Oxford University Press.

1. Drevon, J. (2014). Democracy and Islamist Violence: Lessons from Post-Mubarak Egypt, Digest of Middle East Studies, 23(1), 1-14


5. Simon, D, Smith, G & Drevon, J. (2025). Don’t Repeat in Syria the Mistakes of Afghanistan, Foreign Affairs, January 2

4. Drevon, J., Haenni, P., Quesnay, A. (2021). Pour défaire durablement l’Etat islamique en Syrie, ce sont désormais les rebelles qu’il faut stabiliser, Le Monde, March 15

3. Drevon, J. (2019). Renouncing al-Qaeda and the prospects for engagement, Middle East Institute, February 6

2. Drevon, J. (2014). How Syria’s War Is Dividing the Egyptian Jihadi Movement, Syria in Crisis, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, January 9.

1. Drevon, J. (2013). A Return of Violent Islamist Insurgency in Egypt?, Sada, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, August 13.

Book Reviews

2. Drevon, J. (2024). Review of Daveed Gartenstein-Ross, Thomas Joscelyn, Enemies Near and Far How Jihadist Groups Strategize, Plot, and Learn (Columbia University Press, 2022), Critical Studies on Terrorism pdf 

1. Drevon, J. (2013). Review of Lisa Blaydes, Elections and Distributive Politics in Mubarak’s Egypt (Cambridge University Press, 2010), New Middle Eastern Studies 3